Hydrogen is more than powerful enough

Today’s infrastructure will need to be maintained and constructed long into the future. To make these activities more environmentally friendly, powerful and durable carbon-neutral powertrains are needed for the excavators, cranes, rollers, HGVs, dump trucks and other machinery required to move heavy loads. These powertrains must be able to withstand dust, dirt, heat, freezing conditions, water, snow and ice.

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100% ready for action

Climate change is increasing the risk of extreme weather events. This means that rescue teams – usually consisting of volunteers from the general public – need to be ready to spring into action around the clock to save lives and property in extreme conditions. Only reliable and robust carbon-neutral machinery has the power and endurance to provide the swift help needed in these high-pressure situations. Hydrogen engines were born for this task.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all volunteers with the fire service, the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) and other civil defence organisations for their tireless work.

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At the Hydrogen Engine Alliance, we see ourselves as...

  • Advocates of using hydrogen engines as an additional means of transforming mobility as part of an approach that encompasses all technologies. We believe that hydrogen engines can make a huge contribution to creating a climate-neutral, sustainable, competitive and above all rapidly deployable mobility solution for the transport, HGV and machinery sectors.

  • Intermediaries between our member companies, science, politics and society. We have joined forces to pave the way for and support the general market launch and circulation of hydrogen engine technology.

  • Pioneers striving to attain general acceptance for hydrogen engines and demonstrate their technical and commercial capabilities.

  • A union of members acting as ambassadors for the technology.

  • An information hub for all Hydrogen Engine Alliance activities, to which our member companies contribute as independent legal and economic entities.

  • An alliance in which hydrogen engine advocates can pool their interests, strengths and expertise in terms of their research and preliminary development activities during the current period of fundamental, pre-competitive development.

Atomic number 1 – an alliance for hydrogen engines

About us

Founded in 2021, the Hydrogen Engine Alliance pools knowledge from industry and research. All the alliance’s members – from automotive companies and suppliers to engineers with a range of specialisms and research institutions – are driven by their conviction that hydrogen

technology can play a crucial role in future mobility.
Our alliance is primarily a communications platform for sharing findings and insights with society.
We firmly believe that hydrogen is the future!

We believe in hydrogen

Hydrogen, the element with atomic number 1, has so much to offer. Hydrogen is a clean, safe and storable energy carrier. This means that hydrogen technology will play a key role as we leave the age of fossil fuels behind us. Engines powered by hydrogen can therefore make a crucial contribution to a future shaped by carbon-neutral mobility.

The combined knowledge of experts from industry and research in Germany will help propel hydrogen technology into widespread use. Germany is ready and able to integrate hydrogen engines into its mobility system – for the benefit of the environment and the job market.

What are the advantages of hydrogen engines?

There are many arguments for using hydrogen engines in our mobility sector as we move away from fossil fuels. Germany in particular has amassed a wealth of technological knowledge about hydrogen as a power source. Hydrogen powertrain technology is already very highly developed, so it is feasible for it to be deployed rapidly across all potential markets and areas of use. The ability to quickly refill hydrogen engines –

without the need for any additional electrical infrastructure – makes them a reliable mobility solution even in remote locations. As an infinite, storable element, hydrogen has a crucial advantage over other forms of powertrain technology. Its properties make hydrogen engines a highly promising solution for the transport, HGV, machinery and special-purpose machinery sectors.

An element fit for the future

When produced from green electricity in a carbon-neutral process, hydrogen can make a valuable, sustainable contribution to the creation of a climate-neutral mobility sector. The act of generating green electricity to produce hydrogen can also put us much further along the road to achieving global equity. Regions with a lot of sun and wind are particularly attractive locations for producing the energy needed to manufacture hydrogen. The hydrogen produced in this way can then be cost-effectively transported worldwide. With the exception of steam, hydrogen engines generate virtually no emissions.

Their ability to be recycled is also unparalleled, giving hydrogen engine manufacturers and users the peace of mind that they are helping to create a green future. The low number of raw materials needed to produce hydrogen engines also reduces manufacturers’ dependence on individual producers and suppliers, paving the way for hydrogen engine manufacturing to create many secure jobs, including here in Germany. We firmly believe that hydrogen can help us to move away from fossil fuels without risking deindustrialisation.

Our objectives


The future is hydrogen. As an inexhaustible source of energy, the element with atomic number 1 in the periodic table is predestined to be widely used by future generations. Hydrogen is safe, clean and easy to produce. Unlike other energy sources it can also be easily stored. Hydrogen technology is well ...


An element fit for the future
When produced from green electricity in a carbon-neutral process, hydrogen can make a valuable, sustainable contribution to the creation of a climate-neutral mobility sector. The act of generating green electricity to produce hydrogen can also put us much further along ...


We firmly believe that hydrogen engines will form an integral part of our future transport systems. Hydrogen engines will prove vital if our switch to climate-neutral, sustainable mobility is to be a success. As part of this, they will be especially crucial to ensuring that companies within the transport,